Our First Veteran’s Day Parade
Since Veteran’s Day fell on Sunday this year, many organizations observed the holiday on the following Monday. Our troop joined other Scouts and participated in our local American Legion’s annual Veteran’s Day Parade this past Monday. It was a chilly but memorable day for our Scouts.

Unfortunately, for many of our Scouting parents and adult leaders, Monday was not an observed holiday at their workplace. We even had a number of Scouts who were not off school that day. This made it difficult for us to get a big crowd out to the parade that day. Despite these challenges, we had a few who could make it, and a few is better than none, especially when it comes to honoring our veterans.
We joined Pack 4039, who also walked in the parade. We have a close relationship with the pack. Many of our Scouts (and several of our adult leaders) started their Scouting adventures with Pack 4039, so we always welcome the opportunity to partner with them. Luckily, many of the younger Cub Scouts from the pack were off school that day, so they able to draw a few more participants than us.

It was a chilly day, as Winter seems to have come a little early this year. Despite the cold weather, our Scouts proudly walked in the parade as a way to show their respect to all of the veterans who have given so much in order to help others. This is actually the first time (in a while) that our troop has participated in the parade. We hope to make this an annual tradition in the future.
If you didn’t attend the parade this year (or a different one in your area), be sure to make it point to attend one next year.
Troop 1086 hopes that all of our veterans had a great Veteran’s Day, and we thank you for your service!