Troop Meeting - Troop 86

Youth Leaders

Scouts BSA units are “Youth Led”, meaning that the Scouts lead the group. This section provides resources for our current and future youth leaders.

As with all “Scouts BSA” (Boy Scout) troops that follow the “Patrol Method“, our unit places an emphasis on having the youth lead their fellow Scouts. This page, and the others accessible via the links below, are for our current and future youth leaders. They provide details to help them as they lead our troop during meetings and events.

Youth Led

One of the skills we focus on with the Scouts in our troop is leadership. The BSA includes numerous opportunities for Scouts to learn and practice leadership skills. This is a great benefit to the Scouts… They can obviously use these skills while they’re in the troop, but these skills will also help them throughout their lives.

The primary method for teaching leadership in a troop is to give the Scouts first-hand experience. A troop is “youth-led”, meaning it is the youth leaders, not the adult leaders, that run the meetings and outings. (The adult leaders are obviously there to monitor and help as needed.)

Provided above are a number of links to resources that will help our youth leaders, as well as our other Scouts, since all of them will eventually hold a leadership position. When elected to leadership positions, the Scouts are STRONGLY encouraged to review and use this information while planning our meetings and outings.