Troop 1086 - Fishing

Merit Badge Day – Kaskaskia College

Centrailia Troop 211 and Belleville Troop 554 are hosting a merit badge day on March 16, 2019 from 8 am to 4 pm.

Units in our council and the surrounding area often hosts “Merit Badge Day” events to help Scouts complete additional merit badges that they might not otherwise be able to complete. Some merit badges are more complex than others, and finding a registered Merit Badge Counselor for some merit badges can be difficult. This can make it difficult for some Scouts to complete their merit badges.

Events such as the Kaskaskia College Scout Merit Badge Day remove many of those barriers. In one location, Scouts have many merit badges to choose from, and all of the counselors will be there at the event. Many of the merit badges only require half-day sessions. Because of this, many Scouts will be able to complete TWO merit badges in one day! Easy and simple!

All of the Scouts in our troop are encouraged to check out this event to see if there are any merit badges offered that they would like to complete. Our older Scouts should pay special attention to any Eagle-required merit badges, because this is a great way to get one step closer to your Eagle Badge.

More Info and Registration

CLICK HERE for more information about this event, including a list of offered merit badges, and details on how to register.

A big THANKS to Troop 211 and Troop 554 for offering this event!