Troop 1086 - Helping At the Pack 4039 Pinewood Derby

Pinewood Derby Excitement

When people think of the Boy Scouts of America, Pinewood Derby is often one of the first things that comes to mind. The derby race is an event that’s typically only associated with Cub Scout units. However, that doesn’t mean our Boy Scouts can’t join in on the fun!

Helping Our Local Pack

Our troop has a close relationship with Pack 4039. Many of our Scouts started out with that pack. Many of our adult leaders were also heavily involved with that pack. As a result, we love to help support that Pack whenever we can.

On February 2nd, the pack held their annual Pinewood Derby event. As usual for many Cub Scout Packs, this is a BIG EVENT. Nearly every Scout in the unit attends this annual event, and family and friends come to watch and cheer on their Scouts.

Organizing and running this event is no small feat. While it may appear simple from the outside, that’s definitely not the case. Volunteer leaders take care of countless tasks that most people aren’t aware of. As a result, the pack typically calls upon their “favorite” troop to help out. Of course, we’re more than happy to do so.

Troop 1086 - Helping At the Pack 4039 Pinewood Derby

It was a very busy weekend for our troop. The pack’s Pinewood Derby event fell on the same weekend as our annual Chili Dinner. Despite that, a number of our Scouts came out to help the pack with their event.

We mostly helped with the race itself. A couple Scouts managed the starting gate and the placement of the cards, while other Scouts retrieved cars at the end of the track and carefully return them to the “impound” area where they were staged for their next run.

Troop 1086 - Helping At the Pack 4039 Pinewood Derby

While these tasks are fairly simple, they make a big difference. Every BSA unit is completely run by volunteers. Every person helping with the pinewood derby is a volunteer that is also likely a parent of a Scout participating in the race. When our Scouts help out with tasks during the race, it allows more of the parents to step back and enjoy the event with their own sons and daughters. While we can’t cover the entire event, we’re happy to help out as much as we can.

Another Successful Event

Congratulations to Pack 4039 for the awesome job they did at this year’s Pinewood Derby event! Many parents worked very hard to make this event a success. The pack is very fortunate to have so many parents who are willing to help out whenever they can!

If you have questions about our troop, be sure to contact us. We’d love to hear from you!