Helping to clean-up our local BSA campground

This past weekend, a few of our Scouts spent most of their Saturday doing some community service for our local BSA district’s campground. There’s still a (seemingly endless) list of tasks to do. However, we managed to tackle a few clean-up tasks that needed to be done.

Our Campground

Camp Warren Levis is the primary campground for our district. Most of our Scouts have spent numerous weekends at this camp while they were Cub Scouts. They still continue to use the campground as a member of our troop! As such, we all have a vested interest in doing what we can to help maintain the campground.

A little over a year ago, the campground received a new Ranger. We quickly became acquainted with him during our adventures at last year’s Klondike Derby as we tried to make our way through the snow. He talked about all of the plans he had to give the campground some much-needed attention. We told him that we wanted to do what we could to help out. Before leaving that weekend, and made plans to touch base again when everything thawed out.

We had planned to help out with some tasks earlier in the year. However, the wet Summer did not cooperate. It was difficult to find a time when it was dry enough to get out there and do some work. This p Saturday, we finally managed to find some dry time to help with some of the clean-up efforts.

Turning Scraps Into Something Useful

We focused our efforts on trying to clean-up some of the brush and downed trees in the area. This helped to clear up more space for camping, which also allows the Ranger to mow areas that had become overgrown. In the process, we managed to turn a few piles of downed trees into firewood that can be used by the Scouts camping at CWL!

It was pretty hot that day, and we only had a few Scouts who were available to help out. However, the ones that were there worked very hard. We managed to clear out several areas in just a few hours. They all did a great job!

While we accomplished a lot that day, there’s still a ton of work to do. We look forward to the next opportunity that we have to help make the campground a better place for our local Scouts!