Rendezvous 2019
While we typically attend the Council’s annual Rendezvous Encampment event, we often just go up to camp for the day. This year, our Scouts decided to turn it into a camping weekend for our troop.

Rendezvous is an all-day event. It’s one of the largest camping events hosted by our Council. Throughout the day, Scouts take a journey back to the time of fur traders and trappers. There are numerous period-authentic activities for the Scouts to participate in, such as black powder rifle shooting, blacksmithing, tomahawk and spear throwing, and much more.

The event runs all day, and throughout the day the Scouts can visit and participate in the numerous activities available. Camping for the weekend at the event makes it extra convenient. The Scouts can bounce between participating at the event and relaxing at our campsite as desired. This results in a more enjoyable and laid-back experience for the Scouts…and especially for the adult leaders!

This is one of several events that are open to the younger Cub Scouts. Arrow Of Light Dens (Scouts who are in their last year of Cub Scouts) can attend the event if invited by a troop. As usual, we invited Pack 4039‘s Arrow Of Light Den to join us. This gives these younger Scouts an opportunity to experience what a troop event is like. It also gives us the opportunity to introduce them to our troop’s Scouts, leaders, and our camping events. This year we had several Scouts join us for the day, and a couple of them even camped the entire weekend with us!

Camping events are very different between Cub Scouts and Scouts BSA (a.k.a Boy Scouts). It can be a pretty big transition for some. Events such as these help to make that transition easier for the Scouts.

These events also allow the Scouts to experience first-hand the differences between pack campouts and troop campouts.

Our Scouts did a GREAT job of guiding and leading our visiting Scouts during the weekend. As we set up camp, cooked meals, packed up, and conducted our other normal activities, our Scouts were great at helping and guiding our guests.

We’d like to extend a big THANK YOU to all of the Scouts who joined us this weekend. We hope you had a great time!