Scouting For Food Time Has Arrived!
Every Fall, Scouts throughout the US participate in one of the large food drives of the year. Today marks the start of the 2019 Scouting For Food Service Project!
This event spans over the course of two Saturdays. Today was the first day when Scouts went out to their local communities to distribute donation bags.
This year, our troop had 30 adults and Scouts help with the bag distribution. We’re not a huge troop, so the fact that we had that much participation is absolutely wonderful. It says a lot about how great our Scouting families are!
When we were done, we even had a quick visit from Esther the Comfort Dog. She always gets lots of attention from the Scouts. After that, we took the Scouts out to lunch as a THANK YOU for their hard work.

Next week we’ll return to the same area to collect the food that everyone has left out for us. We’ll then take the food to our drop-off area where it will be used by the local food pantries. That’s one of the great things about the Scouting For Food event… All of the donations help people in need in our area. The efforts of our Scouts and the generosity of those in our area directly helps our community.
Don’t forget to leave out your donations on the morning of Nov 16!
Even if you’re not in the area our troop covers, another BSA unit will likely be there to collect donations. Be sure to have the food out by 9 AM so that the Scouts will find it and pick it up. If you need tips or ideas on what to donate, our Council has a flyer that describes the “Perfect Donation Bag”.

Be sure to contact us if you have any questions about our troop or the food drive!