Virtual Merit Badge Clinics

It’s been extra challenging this year for our Scouts to continue progressing through their advancements. Virtual Merit Badge Clinics can help!

It’s important to continue with advancements

Throughout the year, we continue to encourage our Scouts to continue with their rank requirements. Aside from their first few months with the troop, the Scouts typically progress at their own pace through each rank. This is one of the key differences between Scouts BSA and Cub Scouts.

While we don’t always work directly on rank advancements, we do try to incorporate them into our events and activities. We will often touch on specific requirements during troop meetings. We also try to focus on a set of requirements during our outings, such as weekend campouts.

Most of the first half of 2020 has involved virtual meetings over Zoom and other similar tools. While these provide a benefit, it can be very difficult for the Scouts to remain focused on their rank requirements. They simply don’t have the face-to-face encouragement that’s often needed. Even worse…we don’t know when we’ll be able to meet in-person again.

Virtual merit badge clinics can help out!

Our district and council continue to come up with new ways for our Scouts to remain active and continue learning during this pandemic. One of the more recent offerings is a set of virtual merit badge clinics.

These clinics are conducted in a manner that is very similar to what is typically taught in-person. While some aspects will obviously be different due to the way in which the class is taught, that doesn’t mean it can’t be done. The focus is still on ensuring that the Scouts learn and experience something new.

Register now

GSLAC has a web page dedicated to virtual merit badges. The page lists all of the available classes, and each includes a link for registering.

Just like the in-person classes, be sure to pay special attention to the prerequisites. Scouts need to complete these before the first class, or as instructed on the registration page.

Additional classes may be added later this summer, so be sure to check back later!