Pioneering Week – First Aid & A-Frame Tripods
Scoutmaster Note… Every 6 months our troop holds Youth Elections. During this event, the Scouts vote to determine who will serve as youth leaders for the troop. Those new leaders then have the responsibility to seek out and appoint Scouts for other leadership positions in the troop. At our last election event in March, the troop appointed its first youth Webmaster! This post is the first of (hopefully) many more written by our Scouts as they reflect on their first-hand experience in our troop.
This week we went over Pioneering, and the focus of this meeting was to go over the use of tripods and how to assemble them.
Starting off the meeting we went over our first aid section. This week focused on what to include in your personal first aid kit versus your troop first aid kit. We went over what to include and what wouldn’t fit in a first aid kit and why we need the things we do include.

After that, we split up into breakout groups which we device up by Scout Rank. Since we have some new Scouts in the troop, there are a lot of Scouts without their first ranks. That group went over how to get their first rank…the Scout Rank.
Once we came back together, we divided into two groups and headed outside. Each group had to make an A-frame tripod that could support the entire group without falling. It was a close race but inevitably there was only one winner.

After disassembling them and heading back inside we wrapped up the meeting with Lord’s Prayer as always and then headed home for the night.
Contributed by Oliver, Scout Rank, and the current Webmaster of Troop 86.