Helping our Charter Organization at their Church Picnic
A Memorable Milestone
We try to help out our charter organization, Holy Cross Lutheran Church, whenever we can. Every BSA Unit operates under a non-profit organization, and Holy Cross has been there for our troop for many years. Naturally, we are willing and able to do whatever we can whenever they need help. It’s an opportunity for us to say THANKS for all they have done for us.
Earlier this month we had one such opportunity…during the church’s picnic event. However, this wasn’t just any picnic. They were celebrating their 175th anniversary! We were more than happy to help out with this memorable milestone achievement.

Helping When We Can
As part of the picnic, along with all of the event’s activities, they provided food and drinks for the attendees. The meal was catered, but they asked if we could help with drinks and clearing tables as needed. We also jumped in once the event was over to put things away and clean things up.
It was a small effort, but we were glad to help. It was one less thing the church/school members had to worry about, which allowed them to enjoy the event. We were very thankful for the opportunity to help!