2023-05-28 Jefferson Barracks Good Turn Event - Troop 86

Saying THANKS To Our Heros This Memorial Day

This past weekend, our troop had the honor and privilege to participate in the Jefferson Barracks Good Turn Event.

For almost 75 years, local BSA units have participated in the annual Jefferson Barracks Good Turn event each Memorial Day Weekend.

At each event, hundreds of Scouts meet at Jefferson Barracks the day before Memorial Day. Everyone gathers for a ceremony which is a reminder to the Scouts of why this is such an important day.

After the ceremony, everyone splits up, grabs a bunch of flags, and places them at each site. Each unit has an assigned area, which helps to make sure that no sites are missed.

Our troop tries to participate in this event whenever we can. It’s a great experience for the Scouts, and a small gesture for those who have given so much.