Apple Butter Fundraiser
We are no longer accepting apple butter orders. THANK YOU to everyone who placed orders to support our troop!!!
Not too long from now, it will be Fall. The temperature will cool, and the leaves will start changing. This is also the time for picking apples, and when the apples are ready, it’s apple butter time!
This Fall, our troop is having its first ever Apple Butter Fundraiser. Following the recipe that our charter organization (Holy Cross Lutheran Church) has used for many years, we will be cooking several kettles of apple butter. All of the proceeds will be used to help support our Scouts on their outings and events.
One of the goals for our troop is to plan at least one outing or event each month. Sometimes these are single-day events such as service projects or day hikes. Many times they span a weekend, such as weekend campouts. At least once a year, we schedule a week-long event. For example, this past summer we had our summer camp in West Virginia. Next summer we plan to go to Rhodes France, and we also have a high-adventure Sea Base event planned for July in the Florida Keys! You can click here to see some of the things we’ve done over the years.
There are various costs associated with these events, such as registration fees, travel costs, food, and equipment costs. The troop helps out whenever it can, but some of this burden falls on the Scouts and their families. Fundraisers such as this one help to offset those costs, making it easier for our Scouts to attend these life-changing events.
If you’d like to help our troop and get some delicious apple butter in return, please consider using the button below to place your order. There will be a limited supply, so get your order in now! Your support is greatly appreciated!
For more information, visit our Contact Page and send us a message.