Scouts BSA Advancement Starter Kit Banner

Scouts BSA Advancement Starter Kit

The Advancement Starter Kit is a great resource provided by our Council to help the Scouts who recently joined a troop.

During the Summer of 2020, the COVID-19 situation impacted many BSA Troops. It was very difficult to meet together for troop meetings and other activities.

While our troop did find ways to continue progressing, it was challenging for the Scouts that had recently joined the troop. Typically, our youth and adult leaders work directly with the new Scouts to help introduce them to the troop and get them started on their first rank advancements. We did our best to make some progress, but we were severely limited. As we found out, other troops were having the same challenges.

In response, our council created a “Scouts BSA Advancement Starter Kit”. The idea behind the kit was to give Scouts something that would help get them started at home when assistance from the troop was more limited than normal.

Our troop purchased a few kits for the Scouts that wanted them. They ended up being very helpful. The Council was gracious enough to provide a PDF version of the guide to us. Even if Scouts don’t have the kit, they can still use this guide to help them along with their first few ranks.

We encourage all of our new Scouts (and their parents) to check out this great resource!