Knot - Figure 8 Follow Through

Figure 8 Follow Through – Knot of the Week

This knot, the “Figure 8 Follow Through”, is another knot that’s closely tied to the Climbing Merit Badge and the Climbing and Repelling Program Feature.

Climbing Knots

This is one of the knots referenced in the Climbing Merit Badge, as well as the Climbing and Repelling troop meeting program feature. It’s one of the knots our Scouts must learn whenever they participate in any climbing activities. It’s also a great knot to know, as it can be used in many situations.

When Is It Used?

This knot is essentially the same as the “Figure 8 On A Bight“. As a result, its uses are the same as well. The difference between that knot and this one is with regards to the item you are anchoring to. The “Figure 8 On A Bight” is tied and then the loop is placed around an anchor point. This knot is used when that is not possible. With this one, you instead loop the knot through or around the anchor WHILE tying the knot.

How To Tie A Figure 8 Follow Through

This knot is basically performed in 3 steps. First, a figure eight knot is tied. The short end is then wrapped around or through the item you are anchoring to. Then, you retrace the first knot, going the other way. (This is the follow-through part.)

Below is one video that shows how to tie the knot, as well as how to check it to ensure that it was tied correctly. There are many other examples on the web. The Scouts are encouraged to search for other examples if needed.

Videos like this make it easy to learn new knots, but REMEMBERING them takes practice. The Scouts are encouraged to revisit this and the other knots occasionally. That way, when they run into a situation when they’re needed, they will be ready.